Command Line


MetaCov estimates abundance values from the stacking depth of reads mapped to a reference.



Compute fold coverage values

metacov pileup [OPTIONS]


-b, --bamfile <bamfile>

Input BAM file. Must be sorted and indexed. [required]

-f, --reference-fasta <reference_fasta>
-rb, --regionfile-blast7 <regionfile_blast7>

Input Region file in BLAST7 format

-rc, --regionfile-csv <regionfile_csv>

Input Region file in CSV format

-k, --kmer-histogram <kmer_histogram>

Kmer Histogram produced with metacov scan

-K, --kmer-length <kmer_length>

Length of k-mer

-o, --outfile <outfile>

Output CSV (default STDOUT)


Gather read statistics

metacov scan [OPTIONS] READFILE...


-t, --readfile-type <readfile_type>

Override filename based detection of readfile type.

-m, --max-reads <max_reads>

Only consider the first N reads.

-g, --group-by <group_by>

Group output by BAM flag. May be specified multiple times. FLAG can be one of [‘PairedProperly’, ‘MateMapped’, ‘IsRead2’, ‘Readdir’, ‘Paired’, ‘Duplicate’, ‘Alignment’, ‘MateReaddir’, ‘IsRead1’, ‘QC’, ‘Mapped’]

-f, --reference-fasta <reference_fasta>

Fasta file reads where mapped to. Required for boffset. File may be bgzip’ed, but not gzip’ed.

-b, --out-basehist <out_basehist>

Compute histogram of base counts by position in read.

-bo, --boffset <boffset>

Include N bases prior to read start in base histogram. Requires reference fasta file. [default: 0]

-o, --out-kmerhist <out_kmerhist>

Compute histogram of kmers in reads

-k <k>

Length of kmers [default: 7]

-s, --step <step>

Step between sampled kmers [default: 7]

-O, --offset <offset>

Offset of first sampled kmer [default: 0]

-n, --number <number>

Numer of sampled kmers [default: 8]

-M, --out-mirrorhist <out_mirrorhist>

Compute histogram of mismatches against palindrome

-MO, --mirror-offset <mirror_offset>

Offset of palindrome center from read start [default: 4]

-Ml, --mirror-length <mirror_length>

Palindrome length is 2N+1 [default: 10]

-I, --out-isizehist <out_isizehist>

Compute histogram of insert sizes.



Required argument(s)


Pseudo-Randomly select reads from input file(s).

Input read files may be in SAM, BAM or (gzipped) FastQ format (.sam, .bam, .fq, .fastq, .fq.gz or .fastq.gz).

If a reverse read output filename is provided, input is assumed to be paired reads given either as sam/bam file(s) or pairs of FastQ files.

metacov simulate [OPTIONS] FILE [FILE...]


-k, --khist <khist>

Match distribution of reads to statistics gathered with metacov scan.

-K, --klen <klen>

Length of k-mer

-p, --proportions <proportions>

Specify the proportions in which each genome should occur.

-o, --out <fwd_outfn>

Name of output forward reads fastq file. [required]

-o2, --out2 <rev_outfn>

Name of output reverse reads fastq file. [required]

-n, --num-reads <num_reads>

Number of reads to sample

-rs, --rndSeed <rndseed>

Random seed

-ss, --seqSys <seqsys>

Name of Illumina sequencing system

-l, --len <rlen>

Read length

-m, --mflen <mflen>

Mean insert size

-s, --sdev <sdev>

Stddev of insert size



Required argument(s)